Vol 7, No 3 (September 2013)

Original Articles

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 236 | views: 358 | pages: 105-8

    Objective: To consider incisional endometrioma (IE) as a differential diagnosis of abdominal disorders and to recommend different treatments as preventive measures. Incisional endometrioma (IE), as a rare condition, usually develops in surgical scar of cesarean section or hysterectomy.
    Materials and methods:
    We performed a retrospective review of 12 cases at Department of Surgery, Shahrekord University of medical sciences, Shahrekord from August 2010 to August 2012. The participants were diagnosed with IE using their pathology specimens.
    Results: The age ranges were from 23 to 44 years (mean age 32.75 years). A total of 12 patients had previous cesarean sections through a Pfannenstiel incision, which the wound was managed with regular irrigation, but peritoneum was not repaired. The main symptom was an abdominal wall mass about the previous caesarean section surgical scars, associated with cyclic pain. The mean duration of symptoms was 6 to 24 months (mean duration 6.66 months). There was 100% recovery after surgical treatment without any relapse of symptoms during follow-up till now.
    We recommend irrigation of the wound with high-jet saline solution before wound closure and repair of peritoneum at the time of cesarean section as a preventive measure.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 481 | views: 714 | pages: 109-13

    Objective: To compare side effects between users of two kinds of injectable contraceptives (Depo-medroxy progesterone acetate and Cyclofem).
    Materials and methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study included 250 women, aged 18-40 years, using Depo-medroxy progesterone acetate (DMPA) or Cyclofem. The volunteers were examined six months after using contraceptive, and they were asked about following symptoms: weight changes, irregular bleeding, dysparounia, vaginal dryness, headache, breast pain, bone pain, and discontinuation reason. The data were analyzed by statistical methods.
    Results: The important side effects of DMPA were: irregular bleeding (93.60%), weight gain (48%), bone pain (24%) and vaginal dryness (10.40%), while the side effects in the Cyclofem group were: irregular bleeding (65.60%), headache (14.4%) and breast sensitivity (20%). Bleeding pattern changes were the most important problem leading to discontinuation of both contraceptive methods in our participants.
    Conclusion: The results of the study showed that the most important problem in both groups was change in bleeding pattern. Proper consulting by a trained expert reduces the high amount of discontinuation and their failure rates.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 229 | views: 410 | pages: 115-20

    Objective: To assess the knowledge, attitude, practice and preferences on contraceptive methods among the female population, to determine the association between knowledge and attitude on contraceptive methods with the variables.
    Materials and methods: A Descriptive survey of 136 females between 18-45 year of age were done using a structured knowledge questionnaire, structured attitude scale and opinionnaire on practice and preference during the month of January 2012 to February 2012 at Moodu Alevoor village, Udupi district, Karnataka. Simple random sampling was used to select the village and purposive sampling technique was used to select the sample.
    It was shown that 48.5% were of 26-35 years of age, 92% were Hindus, 45.6% had higher secondary education, 41.2% were house wives, 55.9% had family monthly income below 5000 rupees, 49.3% were from nuclear family, 64% were married between 19-25 years, 43.3% had 2-3 years of married life and 52.2% had one pregnancy. Majority (55.9%) had one living child and 98.5% got information through health personnel. Majority (67.60%) had moderate knowledge on contraceptive methods and 17.60% had high knowledge. Majority (87.50%) had favourable attitude and 12.50% had unfavourable attitude towards contraceptive methods. From the group of studied women 38.23% did not use any contraceptive methods, 19.85% used OCPs and minimum 1.47% used injection as contraceptive method. In this study 37.5% preferred OCPs as Rank 1, male condom (22.1%) as Rank 2 and injection (16.3%) as Rank 3. There was association between knowledge with educational status (χ(2) = 47.14, p = 0.001), occupation (χ(2) =15.81, p = 0.044), family monthly income (χ(2) =6.473, p = 0.039) and duration of marriage (χ(2)=6.721, p = 0.035). There was no association between attitude and the studied variables.
    The study showed that majority of the females had moderate knowledge and favourable attitude.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 430 | views: 693 | pages: 121-5

    Objective: To evaluate the importance of observing healthy habits by pregnant women that influences different aspects of mother and fetus health, we assessed the change in dietary behavior, and cigarette smoking after distributing the guidelines among 485 prenatal care patients.|
    Materials and methods:
    The subjects were pregnant women who enrolled in health care centers of Tehran University from September, 18, 2010 to July 21, 2012. At first the standard questionnaires including questions about socio demographic factors and also their dietary behavior, and cigarette smoking were filled out. Then we gave them the guideline. After 2 months the participants received the similar questionnaires. The change in their behavior was evaluated comparing the 2 series of questionnaires by SPSS-16 analysis methods.
    Totally 1.9% of participants met fruit & vegetable guidelines before education & 5.6% after that (3.7% rise) (p< 0.0001). In studied group 99% met cigarette smoking guidelines before & 100% after education. There was a meaningful association between the amount of fruit & vegetables consumption before and after pregnancy (p< 0.0001).
    According to the significant effect of education, we can apply it as an effective way of improving the healthy behaviors in our society. Furthermore, discovering related factors to healthy behavior can lead to addressing the most appropriate (needy, necessitous, deserving) group of population for education.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 262 | views: 373 | pages: 131-7

    Objective: A descriptive study was carried out to determine the significance of IgG-affinity in the serological diagnosis of rubella infections in pregnancy.
    Materials and methods:
    A total of 92 pregnant women who had never received antirubella vaccines were recruited by simple random selection and did not exceed 24 weeks of gestation were recruited from the antenatal clinics of the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital. Rubella virus-specific IgG, IgG-affinity and IgM were tested, using the Indirect ELISA methods.
    Results:IgG-Affinity tests showed that 2 (2.2%) out of the 92 pregnant women, who were in their first and second trimester pregnancies respectively, had primary Rubella infections, while 1 (1.1%) primigravidae had a re-infection with rubella virus. It was also discovered that out of the 13 multigravid subjects that reported to have lost previous pregnancies, 2 (15.4%) cases may have been due to rubella infections that occurred during organogenesis.
    Conclusion: Although the isolation of the whole virus or the viral nucleic material is the best basis for diagnosis, IgG-affinity is a proven supplementary serological diagnosis, to distinguish reinfection or viral persistence from primary exposure for prompt and accurate diagnosis. This is necessary for proper counselling of pregnant women especially in low economies where molecular diagnosis may not be affordable.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 618 | views: 580 | pages: 139-44

    Objective: To find out the prevalence and relationship of anemia in reproductive age women in rural area of Tabas, center of Iran. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common nutritional problem, affecting about 41.8% of pregnant and 30.2% of non-pregnant women worldwide.
    Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on the random sample of 382 reproductive age women in rural areas of Tabas in March 2010. Independent sample t-test, one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and logistic regression were applied for the data analysis.
    Results: The obtained data revealed a total response rate of 13.8% for prevalence of anemia, while 14.5% and 5.9% belonged to non-pregnant and pregnant participants, respectively. Low socioeconomic status (odds ratio 3.35) and high parity index (odds ratio 2.31) were associated with higher prevalence of anemia.
    Conclusion: Although this study was conducted in a rural area of Tabas, where their average incomes were lower than average income of major cities in Iran, the prevalence of anemia was lower than the rate reported in previous studies carried out in other locations of Iran, even in high risk (pregnant women) groups.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 367 | views: 393 | pages: 145-9

    Objective: In recent years, humman papilomaviruses (HPV) infection is the most common type of sexual trasmitted diseases (STD) in majority of countries. It's a significant source of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In this study, we aimed to compare the history of reproductive disease between two groups of Iranian women with and without HPV infection through colposcopy precedure.
    Materials and methods:
    This case -control study included 210 women reffered to a training gynecology hospital of Tehran University of Medical Science in Tehran. Case group was composed of 70 women with diagnosis of HPV infection, while control group was composed of 140 women with no sign of mentioned-infectious diseases of the control group. Reproductive history was prepared using the standard questionnaire, and obtianed data were analized by SPSS 20.
    Results: OUR FINDINGS SHOWED THAT THE RISK FACTORS FOR HPV INFECTION WERE AS FOLLOWS: low parity (p = 0.000), reduction of number of weekly sexual intercourse (p = 0.000), no consumption of oral contraceptive pill (OCP) (p = 0.006), and history of withdrawal contraceptive method (p = 0.001).
    Improvement of our knowledge about reproductive factors associated with HPV may help us to identify women at risk and to develope different methods of preventive interventions.