Vol 8, No 2 (June 2014)

Original Articles

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 348 | views: 400 | pages: 53-8

    Objective: This study was conducted with the aim to investigate and compare Iranian produced and foreign oxytocin for use in induction of labor.
    Materials and methods:This random clinical trial was conducted on a population of 198 pregnant women with live fetus and cephalic presentation and conditions conducive to induction of labor, monitored by obstetricians and gynecologists. They were randomly divided into group A (n = 99) received 10 units of Syntocinon (Novartis Pharma Canada) in 500 cc Ringer lactate, and group B (n = 99) received 10 units of Oxytip (Caspian Tamin Company Iran) in 500 cc serum, who entered the study to commence induction, by signing written consent. Study variables such as induction indications (post-term, ruptured membranes, diabetes, and..), induction duration, duration of the 1(st) and the 2(nd) stages of labor, and delivery method; as well as labor outcomes like hyper-stimulation of uterine, postpartum bleeding, 5-minute Apgar score, and infant's birth weight; and neonatal outcomes (admission to NICU, oxygen and intubation) were assessed for the two groups by a trained midwife and registered in the patient's questionnaire. Data were analyzed in SPSS software using statistical tests: t-test, Chi-square, and Mann-Whitney.
    Two groups were similar in demographic variables such as; age, BMI, parity, education. There was no significant difference regarding to obstetric and gynecologic characteristics such as: gestational age, dilatation, effacement, and fetal positioning, as well as the indication for labor induction when the study began. After intervention, variables including: induction duration, duration of the 1(st) and the 2(nd) stages of labor, delivery method; and labor outcomes such as: hyper-stimulation of uterine, postpartum bleeding, 5-minute Apgar score, and infant's birth weight; and neonatal outcomes (admission to NICU, oxygen and intubation), in the two groups, were found to be the same (P < 0.05). Mean oxytip dosage needed was less than that of oxytocin to reach for appropriate pain (P = 0.042).
    Conclusion: The two drugs in terms of labor induction and neonatal complications had similar outcomes and the locally made drug with a lower dosage appears to produce the desired outcome.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 332 | views: 455 | pages: 59-62

    Objective: To assess the relationship between maternal UTI during pregnancy and neonatal UTI.
    Materials and methods:
    This cross-sectional study included eighty neonates referred to Ali-e-Asghar Hospital, Tehran, Iran, in 2011. The participants were divided into the study (with diagnosis of UTI; n = 40) and the control (without this type of infection; n = 40) groups. The mothers were asked about the history of UTI during pregnancy, and if the response was positive, the trimester in which UTI had occurred. Urinalysis and urine culture were carried out for all neonates.Overall, 14.9% of neonates had mothers with a positive history of UTI during their pregnancy (4.4%, 6.1%, and 4.4% during the 1(st), 2(nd), and 3(rd) trimesters, respectively). A significant relationship was detected between the occurrence of UTI in neonates and maternal UTI, so that the overall prevalence of UTI among neonates of affected mothers was significantly higher than that observed among non-infected mothers (30.0% versus 6.8%; p = 0.001). Maternal UTI resulted in 5.9-fold increased risk of neonatal UTI. In UTI group, the most common bacterial etiologies of UTI were Escherichia coli (65.9%), followed by Klebsiella (14.6%) and Staphylococci (9.8%).
    Conclusion: Our findings confirmed the association between the history of UTI in mother and occurrence of UTI in neonate, emphasizing to pay more attention for assessing and managing UTI in neonates in order to reduce the related complications.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 372 | views: 355 | pages: 63-7

    Objective: To identify the proportion and some selected characteristics of juvenile diabetics attending BIRDEM hospital.
    Materials and methods: This was a cross sectional study. The study was conducted in the BIRDEM hospital. All Diabetic young aged up to 18 years who visit BIRDEM hospital were included in study population. The sample size was 240.
    Results: It was observed that among the respondents 43.3% were protein deficient pancreatic diabetes (PDPD), 30.8% were Type-1 diabetes, 20% were fibro-calculus pancreatic diabetes (FCPD) and remaining 5.8% were Type-2 diabetes. Family history of diabetes was found among one-fifth of the respondents. It was found that majority 86.4% of Type-1 diabetes were presented in early age < 10 years in contrast to Type-2 diabetes 4.5%, PDPD 9.1% and FCPD 0.0%. It was found that 50% of type-1 diabetes patient and 17.6% of Type-2 diabetes patient were from urban area and 24.5% of FCDP patient and 52.8% of PDPD patient were from rural areas. It was observed that Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes were associated with the family history of diabetes mellitus than FCPD and PDPD. Severe underweight and sever stunted was significantly higher among the protein deficient diabetes mellitus compare to Type-2 diabetes.
    Conclusion: Juvenile diabetes is emerging health problem in modern era. Like old population the incidence of juvenile diabetes is increasing day by day. It is time for the health planner to prevent and control the disease; otherwise it will be major problem after a decade.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 340 | views: 395 | pages: 69-72

    Objective: To investigate relationship between addiction potentiality and different dimensions of emotional self-regulation.
    Materials and methods: This descriptive and correlational study included students of Sistan and Baluchistan University, Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran. Participants were selected by random sampling method. We applied Addiction Potential Scale (APS) and Difficult in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) for this study. For statistical analysis, Pearson correlation and regression analysis methods were used.
    Results: The results show that there is a positive and significant relationship between the addiction potential and all dimensions of emotional self-regulation (excepting lack of awareness). The enter regression analysis for prediction of the APS by the DERS shows that the DERS predicts 16% of the APS variances.
    Conclusion: Regard to the results, it is necessary to introduce an especial program in emotional self-regulation for the youth with addiction potential.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 331 | views: 374 | pages: 73-6

    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and side effects of Oxybutinin in comparison to tolterodine in treatment of overactive bladder (OAB) with detrussor overactivity (DOA) in Iranian women.
    Materials and methods: One hundred Iranian old women with clinical symptoms of OAB who show IDO in the filling cystometry participated in this randomized double-blinded parallel-group by using two kinds of the drugs for 4- week course (2 mg tolterodine twice-daily, or oxybutinin 5 mg, three times a day) in alike packages. We collected data from 3-day FVC before and after the treatment course. The effectiveness of each drug was studied using the paired t-test and improvement after treatment between two groups was compared by independent T-test.
    Results: Positive changes in urinary urgency, Frequency and Urge incontinence after treatment in both groups were seen but mean improvements in the all were larger in the patients who treated by oxybutinin especially in terms of urgency and Urge incontinence. Dry mouth was the most common side-effect in two groups. Unlike other studies it was higher in the tolterodine group but the difference was not significant.
    Conclusion: Four week treatment with oxybutinin was better than tolterodine in improving urgency and urge incontinence but there were not statistically significance between them.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 327 | views: 422 | pages: 77-81

    Objective: Elevated nucleated red blood cell (NRBC) count is introduced as a potential marker of intra-uterine growth restriction (IUGR). To investigate the probable association regardless of any known underlying disease, we aimed to study disturbances in NRBC count in infants experiencing idiopathic IUGR.
    Materials and methods: Twenty three infants regarded IUGR without any known cause were chosen to be compared to 48 normal neonates. Blood samples were collected instantly after birth and the same measurements were done in both groups.
    Results: NRBC count/100 white blood cells was significantly higher in the IUGR group (P value < 0.001). pH measurements did not reveal any significant difference.
    Increased NRBC count in cases of idiopathic IUGR in absence of chronic hypoxia could strengthen its predictive value suggested in previous studies. It could help early IUGR detection and beneficial intervention.

Case Reports

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 307 | views: 373 | pages: 83-6

    Dicephalic parapagus tribrachius conjoined twin is a very rare condition. We present a case of 5-days-old male dicephalic parapagus conjoined twins. The conjoined twins were diagnosed in 4(th) month of pregnancy by ultrasonography. The pregnancy terminates at 36 weeks by cesarean section and triplets were born. The babies were male conjoined twins and another healthy male baby. Many congenital defects of interest can now be detected before birth. Sever form of this malformation precludes postpartum life. It is supposed that with advances in screening methods for prenatal diagnosis these cases are terminated in first or second trimester of pregnancy.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 293 | views: 359 | pages: 87-9

    Genital elephantiasis is caused by a variety of infective and non infective causes leading to blockage of lymphatic. We are presenting a rare case of recurrent unilateral vulval elephantiasis which has recurred after initial reconstructive surgery. A 38 year old female presented with vulval swelling and on examination there was gross unilateral vulval enlargement. FNAC (Fine needle aspiration cytology) and biopsy were contributory for diagnosis. Patient was started with antibiotics and daily dressing was done till the infection was subsided and the patient was planned for reconstructive surgery.