Vol 3, No 2 (June 2009)

Original Articles

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 1716 | views: 3035 | pages: 39-49

    Objective: To identify the variety of sexual behaviours undertaken by adults across the world.
    Materials and methods: A global survey was undertaken using the internet to access 26,032 participants across 26 countries that completed a set of questions on line.
    Results: Three in five people agreed that sex was important to them with nearly one in three strongly agreeing with the statement. Sex was important for both men and women and remains important as people grow older. Sixty nine percent of respondents agreed that sex is fun and that they enjoyed sex. Two thirds agreed that "a good sex life is a vital part of life" of which a third strongly agreed. In addition 56% of non-sexually active individuals agreed with the statement. Two thirds agreed that "sex is beneficial for your health and well being" of which a third strongly agree. Fifty three percent of non-sexually active people agreed as well.
    Conclusion: Sex is important for people and contributes to their overall global well being.


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 247 | views: 443 | pages: 51-54

    Objective: Classic cell culture and karyotyping is routinely used for prenatal detection of different chromosomal abnormalities. Molecular cytogenetic techniques have also recently been developed and used for this purpose. Quantitative florescence PCR using short tandem repeat (STR) markers has more potential for high throughput diagnosis. Marker heterozygosity in short tandem repeats (STR) is of critical importance in the clinical applicablity of this method.
    Materials and Methods: Different STR markers on chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y  were analysed from  amniotic samples to detect related disorders such as Down, Edward, Patau,  Klinefelter sundromes , as well as sex chromosomes numerical abnormalities .
    Results: In our population some markers (D18S976, DXS6854, D21S11, and D21S1411) showed alleles with sizes out of expected ranges. But others occupied narrower range of predicted distribution. Most markers have enough heterozygosity (66.3-94.7) to be used for prenatal diagnosis. Furthermore, results obtained from full karyotype for all samples were in concordance with results of molecular cytogenetic testing.
    Conclusion: It is concluded that, in urgent situations, if proper markers used, molecular cytogenetic testing (QF-PCR) could be a useful method for rapid prenatal diagnosis (PND) in populations with high rate of consanguinity such as Iran.  

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 197 | views: 198 | pages: 55-61

    Objective: The present study was carried out to determine the most potent available antimicrobials in the treatment of pathogens of reproductive health importance in Nigeria.
    Material and methods: Using the agar disc-diffusion and modified agar well-diffusion methods, bacterial and fungal pathogens obtained from clinical specimens of female patients presenting at the University College Hospital, Nigeria were screened in vitro against the most commonly-available routine antibiotics and antifungals in Nigeria.
    Results: The Gram-negative bacterial pathogens were mostly susceptible to azthromycin, fortum, ceftriazone, ofloxacin, perfloxacin, rocephine and zinnat. The Gram-positive bacterial pathogens were mostly susceptible to ceftriazone, perfloxacin, rocephine, ciprofloxacin, azthromycin, zinnat and erythromycin. High overall phenotypic antibiotic resistance was displayed towards ampicillin, septrin, gentamicin, penicillin, streptomycin and tetracycline. The Gram-positive bacterial pathogens were mostly resistant to ampicillin (66.7 – 94.4%); streptomycin (53.8 – 100%); chloramphenicol (77.8 – 100%), penicillin (72.2 – 100%) and septrin (50.0 – 91.4%). The most generally resisted antibiotics among the Gram-negative bacteria were gentamicin (40.0 - 75.0%); tetracycline (57.1 - 100%); ampicillin (75.5 - 100%); streptomycin (79.4 - 100%); penicillin (91.4 - 100%) and septrin (76.5 - 91.4%). The Candida species were mostly resistant to all the test antifungals except Candida albicans.
    Conclusion: The findings of this study reported that the old-generation antibiotics were mostly resisted by the bacterial pathogens implicated in RHI, indicating their non-suitability as regimen for treatment of reproductive health infections. However, these antibiotics are the most abused in Nigeria, especially through self-medications because they are the most available and affordable.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 452 | views: 471 | pages: 63-66

    Objective: This study was undertaken with an aim to determine bacterial species involved in post partum infections and also their abundance in patients admitted to at Khanevadeh hospital. In this study out of three different kinds of postpartum infections (i.e. genital, breast and urinary tract), only genital infection is considered.
    Materials and Methods: Post partum infection among 6077 patients (inpatients and re-admitted patients) of Khanevadeh hospital from 2003 till 2008 was studied in this descriptive study. Samples were collected from patients for laboratory diagnosis to find out the causative organisms.
    Results: Follow up of mothers after delivery revealed 7.59% (461 patients) had post partum infection, out of which 1.03% (63 patients) were re-hospitalized.
    Infection was more often among younger mothers. Bacteria isolated and identified were both aerobic and anaerobic cocci and bacilli, majority of which were normal flora of the site of infection. Though, some pathogenic bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, Neisseria gonorrhea, Chlamydia trachomatis,were also the causative agents. The commonest infection was infection at the site of episiotomy.
    Conclusion: Puerperal infection was detected in of 7.59% mothers. Bacteria isolated were both aerobic and anaerobic cocci and bacilli, majority of which were normal flora. However; some pathogenic bacteria were isolated.

Case Reports