Role of Aqueous Crude Leaf Extract of Senecio Biafrae Combined With Zinc on Testicular Function of Adult Male Sprague Dawley Rats
Objective: To determine the role of aqueous crude leaf extract of Seneciobiafrae (SB) combined with Zinc (Zn) on Testicular function of Adult Male Sprague dawley Rats.
Materials and methods: Twenty-four adult males praguedawley Rats weighing 180-200g, aged 10-12 weeks, were randomized into four groups (A,B,C,D) of six rats each (n = 6) and were given 2mls of distilled water; 500 mg/kg of SB ; 500 mg/kg of SB and 0.5 mg/kg Znsulfate; 500 mg/kg of SB and 1mg/kg of Zn. The administration was done daily via gastric gavage for 28 days. Parameterstested include: testicular histology, sperm parameters, haematological parameters and Testosterone assay.
Results: There was observed no significant (p > 0.05) increased in testis, epididymal, seminal vesicle, vas deference and prostate gland weight of animals across the group receiving the Seneciobiafrae extract combine with Zn. Testis and serum testosterone levels, sperm count, percentage of sperm viability and motility was higher in the rats administered a combination of Seneciobiafrae extract and Zn compared with controls (p < 0.05). Conversely the percentage of abnormal sperm morphology was decreased (p < 0.05). Histological analysis showed normal spermatogenesis, better association and high density of spermatogenic cells and lumen contains full mature spermatozoa.
Conclusion: Aqueous extract of Seneciobiafrae combined with Zn, potentially enhance testicular function including steroidogenesis and spermatogenesis in male rats.
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Issue | Vol 12, No 1 (March 2018) | |
Section | Original Articles | |
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Seneciobiafrae Zinc Lumen Spermatozoa Testosterone |
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