Prediction of Birth Type Based on the Health Belief Model
Objective: To anticipate the type of childbirth according to the health belief model.
Materials and methods: The present cross-sectional research was conducted on 222 primiparous women visiting the healthcare center in Khorram Abad. A combination of simple randomization and clustering was used to do the sampling. The data collection instrument was a validated four-part questionnaire the first part of which contained demographic information. The second part was comprised of awareness questions while the third dealt with the constructs of the health belief model. The final part consisted of the behavioral intention derived from the logical action theory. SPSS 16 was used to statistically analyze the data and the significance level was set at p ˂ 0.05.
Results: The average age of the participants was 27.40 ± 6.07 years. Intention to go for a vaginal birth showed to be significantly correlated with awareness, perceived sensitivity, intensity, barriers and benefits (p ˂ 0.001) as well as self-efficacy (p = 0.025). The best predictor of the type of childbirth turned out to be the perceived barriers (OR = 1.153, p ˂ 0.001) and only then awareness (OR = 1.108, p ˂ 0.001).
Conclusion: Strategies to remove the barriers of preferring vaginal childbirth, raising women’s awareness of the side effects of C-section and the benefits of vaginal birth, strategies to enhance women’s beliefs in their capability of natural childbirth can be used to reduce the prevalence of unnecessary C-sections.
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Issue | Vol 11, No 3 (September 2017) | |
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Childbirth C-Section Primiparous Women Health Belief Model |
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