Original Articles

Satisfaction with the Prenatal Clinics in Zanjan, Iran


Objective: This study was performed to determine the level of satisfaction among women attending the prenatal clinics in the city of Zanjan, Iran.
Materials and methods: This descriptive cross- sectional study was performed from 2005 to 2006 in Zanjan. A total of 701 pregnant women with gestational age of 20 weeks or more who had undergone at least two prenatal visits in prenatal care centers were enrolled into the study. A questionnaire was filled by face to face interview with each mother including questions about the general physical environment of the clinic, whether the pregnancy wassolicited, the communication skills of the personnel, the quality, feasibility and costof prenatal care, as well as questions pertaining to demography and type of insurance. Data were entered into SPSS 11 software and subsequently analyzed using descriptive statistical tests including ANOVA.
Results: Mean age of mothers was 26.23 ± 5.6 years. Among them 55.8%, 37.3% and 6.9% had up to primary, secondary, and high school level of education, respectively. Overall satisfaction rate was more than 99% in all aspects and dissatisfaction was mainly related to type of insurance. The dissatisfaction was alsorelated to the trainings given in health center.  Women with private insurance (free and military) showed the least dissatisfaction while the highest dissatisfaction was in women with social security or health services insurance.
Conclusion: Overall dissatisfaction rate was 1%. The dissatisfaction was related to the type of insurance. The dissatisfaction wasalso related to the level of the trainings given in health center.

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IssueVol 2, No 1 (March 2008) QRcode
SectionOriginal Articles
Prenatal care Satisfaction Cost Education

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How to Cite
Heidari R, Borna S, Haghollahi F, Shariat M, Duaii S. Satisfaction with the Prenatal Clinics in Zanjan, Iran. J Family Reprod Health. 2008;2(1):41-47.