Original Articles

Husbands' Perception of Environmental Characteristics During Participation in Physiologic Delivery


Objective: Nowadays, the presence of husbands during the childbirth process is regarded as an important factor that can contribute to lower rate of the C-section, better success of physiologic delivery and higher satisfaction in childbirth experience. Considering the special sociocultural characteristics of the Iranian society, this method requires accurate assessment to be practical and effective. The aim of this research was finding out how husbands perceive the environmental and physical characteristics of delivery spaces via studying these physical characteristics, exploring them through husbands’ perception and finally discovering the mechanism behind formation of this perception.
Materials and methods: First, the conceptual model of the study was developed after a review of the physiologic childbirth literature. Then, a research questionnaire was designed and distributed among
120 husbands who recently had the experience of accompanying their wives during physiologic childbirth.
Results: The results showed that light, color and temperature play a significant role in husbands’ perception of delivery spaces under the special psychological conditions and stress that they experience during the childbirth. Designer should pay due attention to these three factors when designing the structure of childbirth spaces.
Conclusion: Promoting the environmental quality of the physiologic delivery room based on husband's perception can help mothers and medical staff better manage childbirth pain which is an integral part of natural childbirths.

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IssueVol 17, No 3 (September 2023) QRcode
SectionOriginal Articles
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/jfrh.v17i3.13538
Physiologic Delivery Husband Environmental Characteristics Perception Mechanism of Perception Formation

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How to Cite
Deljoo Ghamgosar F, Yazdanfar SA, Nikkhah E, Yari H, Honarbakhsh M. Husbands’ Perception of Environmental Characteristics During Participation in Physiologic Delivery. J Family Reprod Health. 2023;17(3):151-164.