Original Articles

Could Maternal Vitamin D Concentration Affect Cervical Length in Mid-Pregnancy? A Report From an Iranian Tertiary Center


Objective: This descriptive-analytic cross-sectional study aimed to figure out whether maternal serum vitamin D concentration correlates with cervical length measurement in mid-gestation or not.
Materials and methods: During Jun-Jan 2021, 213 pregnant women at 18-22 weeks of gestation were investigated. First, demographic features were obtained then, maternal serum vitamin D concentration was measured by enzyme-linked immunoassay and cervical length was measured via transvaginal sonography according to fetal maternal foundation guideline and appropriate statistical test was used to analyze the correlation between maternal vitamin D level and cervical length in mid-pregnancy.
Results: It was shown that 29.6% and 25.4% of participants had vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency, respectively. Spearman’s test found no significant correlation between maternal vitamin D level and cervical length in mid-pregnancy. Moreover, cervical length and maternal vitamin D level had no association with maternal BMI.
Conclusion: Although maternal vitamin D level and its sufficiency status was not associated with cervical length in mid- pregnancy, as a trend toward decreased maternal serum vitamin D level by advancing gestational age was observed. It may be concluded that it is prolonged vitamin D deficiency during gestation that may lead to cervical length shortening and subsequent preterm delivery later in gestation.

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IssueVol 16, No 4 (December 2022) QRcode
SectionOriginal Articles
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/jfrh.v16i4.11360
Vitamin D Cervical Length Body Mass Index Deficiency Pregnancy Maternal

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How to Cite
Shabani A, Abiri A, Ghalandarpoor-Attar SN, Hadizadeh A, Ghalandarpoor-Attar SM. Could Maternal Vitamin D Concentration Affect Cervical Length in Mid-Pregnancy? A Report From an Iranian Tertiary Center. J Family Reprod Health. 2022;16(4):290-295.